Saturday, March 31, 2012


So I ventured forth on my first full day back to work - wondering why I really was going back to work as sleeping in a little has been starting to feel good!

First test for the WIG - the coffee shop I go to almost everyday before I go to work in downtown Traverse City proir to my surgery -  I walked in and the owner Alice said to me "wow - what did you do? Did you get a divorece?  You look hot!"   And the young man barrista next to her smiled.   I leaned in closer and said "No - pointing to my boob - bad booby  - it's a wig". They marveled over how good it looked - and the young male barrista said to me "I couldn't even tell it was a wig".  So why am I telling people???

I went to work and everyone liked the WIG - loved the style - the problem is it is a style which I have tried to do for over fifty years - but my hair does not go straight!!   I am thinking I may get another one, because to tell you the truth - it is really easy and saves time in the morning.

The next test for the WIG, I went into our local gourment deli in town -  Burrit's - and the owner Ken B, whom we sell to, came up to me, said "Hi", and actually said "Boy I really like your hair.  You must have just gotten it done - it looks great!"  I smiled and said "Yes I did" and thanked him with a little blush.
Lesson Learned.

It SNOWED on the WIG today too -   I was worried about that too!   It survived.

Oh well  - about 50% of the town knows, the other 50% who don't know me will like my new hair.

I went home and wore the WIG as I prepared dinner and thought to myself - this WIG is going to end up getting food and grease on it as I cook!  But still I wasn't ready to let DJ see me without my WIG and see my really really short silver hair.   Protecting the first of the brood still - - -he is still my biggest baby.   (Good thing he is not interested in this blog!)

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