Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Blogging at the Laundromat

Just catching up after returning from Ireland, last Chemo and 11 days of company for Cherry Festival....the Cherry Festival is what started it all for the Brick's moving to Traverse City 17 years ago now.  WOW!

Saw the radiooncologist the day before my last chemo.  I have to have six weeks of radiation, should only take 5 to 10 minutes, five days a week for six weeks.....it is that long because the size of the Boob, not because of the kind of cancer. 

Talk about "Shades of Grey", (if you have read it you know what I am talking about,if not, oh well).. Dr.H and a tech had to Tatoo me to get ready for when I start my treatments...Aug 7th...SO...they put me on a table, boob exposed, knees up and over a triangular pillow, ankles strapped together, arms lifted up and over my head,not allowed to move, with two men looking at me (sorry Dr.Leslie H but true!!!) and so I said to them “hey, this is just like out of the book,”Shades of Grey”..and they knew what I was talking about but denied reading it!  Whoops...all about the position which reminded me of the book!

Last Chemo...Whoopee was Tuesday, July 3rd.  I wore the Conehead wig (?) provided me by Katie M once again!  It was the “piece de resistanz”...one of the nurses couldn't stop laughing and I am sure put my picure on her Facebook page after she took my picture. Dr. K wondered in amazement what they would do without me (sorry but I pray I don't ever have to go back) and the other patients just wondered about me when I walke into the treatment area.  I told them that I had finally gone bald.

Final symptoms from Chemo so far;

Nails are awful...may lose them..but hey they have fakes for that!

No eyelashes..my eyelids look like inside out little vulvas!

Watery eyes...never stops and make- up doesn't stay on. REALLY ANNOYING!

But I still have my eyebrows, just in case I bought fakes!

Thankfully I haven't gotten sick, because I had a whole houseful of guests and kids with sore throats this week!

A few cold sores in the mouth.

Weight gain,  oh yeah, that's not because of the Chemo, it is because of the company and partying!

Gotta go....my laundry at the laundromat is done (yep, my washing machine broke while I had a house of 11)..more company tomorrow.

Christian music is playing in the Laundromat...it is beautiful,  I take it as a Sign, to live everyday to the fullest!  That is hard to do sometimes, but I am trying!