Thursday, April 19, 2012

If I Die Young, Bury me in Satin

The Band Perry - Great Song! The good news is that I am not going to die young. In fact I am in the summer of my living! I did go to a funeral this week for a 92 year old woman, I never knew her, but being the mother of a friend,and her being 92 years old, I thought I should attend! OMG, the funeral home was packed for her! Lots of family and friends! The best part was seeing the cute!!! It was a white enameled coffin and all the grandchildren and family members had written notes on it to her in various colored marking pens, it was such a great idea! There were lots of older people there...and all i can say is I am glad I only had stage one BC! Dying is something you do...up until then you are still living. It's how you live that counts. Even if you are in pain, or stressed, it is how you decide to live through it. Makes sense...paraphrased word from a wise doctor. God news this week: White blood cell counts are great! No melanoma freckles on the retinas of my eyes! Still waiting for path report on a mole that I had checked....just to be safe! Lots of ladies around that have had breast cancer...and they are all different, but we still compare. One friend, Jane McC, told me she had a cup taken out of her boob and she had gained 13 pounds during chemo. After my first treatment, I was actually thinking I would be losing about 10 pounds and I was counting on it! But after this second treatment, I have been starving!!! Yikes.. I am going to have to be careful. I am reading at night before I go to bed, it is more peaceful! I cannot understand why a man would do a buzz cut on their head. My hair hurts when I rub my hand over it. Weird! I am waiting for my cousin Uncle Tim to come out of arm surgery, we are blessed to have such a great hospital in our area. I even went to the cafeteria just for some tapioca pudding. Hmmmm, I don't want to gain 13 pounds!

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